Where Do You Hang Christmas Cards

Where Do You Hang Christmas Cards

Posted 2014-12-23 by Lindsay Lawfollow
Some people use a fireplace, some people hang a ribbon or string. This year, I have moved house, so I'm working out where everything goes and what looks best. Although we started with a ribbon, it soon became overwhelmed by the number of cards that both my daughters got from their classmates.

I wasn't sure what to do, so I decided to create a Washi Tape Christmas Tree to display them in a cute and quirky way on my hall cupboard door. Unfortunately, the next wave of cards meant that I had to find yet more places to hang them.

Luckily, I noticed a handy mirror that some family had kindly given us as a present.With its outside surround it was the perfect to display the remainder of the cards.

Where do you display yours? Do you have any unusual family traditions?


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