Toilet Roll Doll

Toilet Roll Doll

Posted 2015-01-18 by dianafollow
Make your own no crochet, cardboard toilet roll doll!

Firm watercolour paper (300gms) or cardboard
Sticky tape and washi tape
An assortment of crepe paper and cellophane
Glue stick

Draw out your doll onto firm paper with a lady from the waist up and a semi circle from the waist down.

Colour in her face, hair and arms.

Lay down and trace around your first layer of crepe paper to make the dress bodice. Cut out and glue on top. Keep adding/ gluing on layers of crepe paper and cellophane.

For the dress, make folds in a sheet of crepe paper and attach to doll waist with washi tape. Cut off excess length of crepe paper.

Wrap around a toilet roll and sticky tape in place at the back.

Your beautiful paper toilet roll doll is now ready to take pride of place on your loo!


256722 - 2023-07-20 00:41:51


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