Luxe for Less Your Luxury Bathroom on a Budget

Luxe for Less Your Luxury Bathroom on a Budget

Posted 2017-09-24 by Aprilfollow
Luxe for Less: Your Luxury Bathroom on a Budget

Not all of us have bathrooms that could double as studio apartments, but no matter what the size of your loo, it's possible to give it that luxe feels without the luxury price tag. How? It’s all in the accessories. As much as you’d love your bathroom to feature solid gold, wall mounted toilet and a Jacuzzi, most of us can’t front the bill for a room that has its basis in pure function.

Still, you can class it up little thanks to these opulent and affordable ideas.

Use Your Head

One of the easiest ways to add a little luxury to your bathroom is to fit your shower with a massaging showerhead. This comes in particularly handy if your bathroom doesn't have a tub to soak in for total body relaxation. The soothing jets from the shower will help ease those aches and pains. You can get a top-notch massaging shower head for as little as $30 - a small price to pay for this sweet escape.

Top Towels

Get rid of those dingy old towels that make you feel like you’re drying your body with sandpaper. Invest in a two or three sets of quality towels, like the ones from IN BED . Not to be confused with the most expensive towels, quality towels are beautifully crafted for everyday comfort and style, so they’ll feel amazing, and look just as good. You can get your hands on this super luxe bathroom addition for under $30, making it one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to add some opulence to your life.

Fancy Soaps

You know how you only break out the good soaps, creams and lotions on special occasions? Well, buy them and use them all the time. Everyday. That moisturising hand soap that makes your hands feel like cashmere and smell like a sugar plum? Display it and use it. Those jewel coloured bath salts you got for your birthday you’ve been saving? Pour them into glass canisters and use them to add a pop of colour to your space. Also, make sure you actually use them in the bath! (That’s what they were made for, after all.)

Living Luxury

While many of us have plants and flowers in other rooms in our house, we often neglect to put them in our bathroom. The addition of some greenery add a healthy hit of life and vitality to your space - and this is a luxury we could use. Not only will plants improve the air quality in your bathroom, offering you a cleaner space, but they also look incredible. Even if your bathroom gets no or low light, there are tons of plants that will thrive, including orchids, aloe vera, bamboo, Boston fern, begonia, philodendron, pothos and peace lilies.

This enlivened look can be yours for as little as $10, so embrace this life-affirming luxury addition to your bathroom.

Mood Lighting

Nothing kills a luxe vibe like stark and blinding lighting making you feel like you’re in an interrogation room. Lighten the mood and show your light fixtures some TLC. A crystal chandelier can work wonders, or golden hued glass wall lights. Don’t think that bland is your only choice in your bathroom. Opt for more beckoning styles and colours. This will soften the space, making it seem more subdued and refined.

Depending on your light fixture, upgrading your lighting can cost anywhere from $50 to $500, but even at the more expensive end of the spectrum, it’s still one of the most affordable ways luxe-up your space.

You don’t need a big, spacious bathroom to get a luxe look and feel. All you need is some ingenuity, a few spare dollars, and the desire to turn your loo into a little slice of heaven on earth.


256806 - 2023-07-20 00:45:21


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