Fireside Accessories
A roaring open fire or wood burning stove offers both a comforting and atmospheric warmth as well as a focal point for a room.
There are a number of practical accessories that can also add to your chosen style. Try to keep to either modern or traditional and the consistency will help tie it all together.
I have a traditional style wood burning stove. These tongs belonged to my grandmother and I take pleasure using them knowing that they have been used through several generations. You could easily find something similar in a salvage yard or antique shop.
I used to carry logs into the house using an old builder's bucket so it's been a pleasure to have finally found a wicker log basket that fits neatly in a space near my stove. The handle makes it easy to carry.
Starting a successful fire requires a good amount of kindling. I store mine in a pale grey kindling bucket that I found for sale at my local garden centre.
256657 - 2023-07-20 00:38:40
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