Upcycled IKEA Catalogue Bowl

Upcycled IKEA Catalogue Bowl

Posted 2014-05-17 by EricaLfollow
You may have heard of IKEA Hackers , a website dedicated to clever ideas and hacks for IKEA furniture, but did you know you can actually turn an IKEA catalogue into a clever furnishing for your home?

Using a fold and glue method that I picked up from a Junk Wave workshop, which teaches you how to use junk mail to create interesting little paper bowls, I've used an upcycled IKEA catalogue to make a large fruit bowl.

It is a lengthy process to get a bowl this size, but worth it for the end result.

You could easily make a similar bowl at home using an IKEA catalogue, or you could use newspaper, junk mail magazines, comics, or even used wrapping paper if you have enough.

Here is how:

Materials needed

Used paper – eg. magazine pages, newspaper, etc
Modge Podge (decoupage glue) or PVA Glue
Clear sticky tape - Scotch tape works well.

Step 1 Prepare sheet of paper

Remove a page from your magazine, newspaper etc. If you are using a junk mail catalogue or magazine page, you can rip out one page, and cut a straight line to tidy up the torn edge. If you are using a newspaper page, cut one page in half, as a whole sheet would be too large to begin with.

Step 2 Fold sheet of paper into slats

•Fold your sheet of paper in half, open out again, and fold both edges in towards the middle crease.
•Fold the new outside edges into the middle again.
•Fold the edges in to the middle crease for the last time.
•You have one folded slat

Folded slat

Step 3 – Secure folded slat

Dot along the inside of your slat with a tiny bit of glue with your paintbrush and use a small piece of sticky tape to secure your slat together in the middle. Place your slat under a heavy object if possible to keep flat, a book works well.

Step 4 – Repeat as above

Repeat above steps until you have enough to work with (10 or more)

Step 5 – Secure your slats together

Place your folded flats next to each other, and use a small piece of tape to join them together. Secure three folded slats together, which is easiest to work with at one time.

Joining slats together

Step 6 – Start coiling

Start curling your first slat into a circle, and keep going. When you get to the end of your three taped slats, secure the next slat onto the end of your coil, continue, and just keep going and going. Try to keep as tight as possible to avoid gaps in your final coiled bowl. If you need a break, use a small piece of table or elastic band to secure in place before you walk away.

Once you are happy with the size of your bowl, secure the end slat with tape.

Step 7 – Shape into a bowl

Using your hands, very carefully push the sides of your large coil upward, creating your bowl shape until you like the shape you have achieved.

Step 8 – Seal your bowl

Using PVA or decoupage glue and your paintbrush, coat your bowl with 2 to 3 coats of glue either side.

Use this technique to make small bowls for your keys, egg cups, or coasters if you avoid shaping into a bowl shape. Possibilities are endless.


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