Making A Mini Birdbath
If you don’t have room for a full sized birdbath in your garden you can make a mini version. The birds will still enjoy drinking from it and it is easier to transport if you move house.
You will need
• a bowl or casserole dish as the bath part
• a vase
• a medium to large sized plate for the base
• supa glue
You may have some old crockery you no longer use that you can upcycle. If you don’t have the necessary china items at the back of a cupboard they can be easily purchased from an op shop or garage sale. The advantage of buying with this project in mind is you can choose items that go well together.
Second hand vase. Image Marie Vonow
Glue the bowl to the base of the vase and allow the glue to dry.
Glue dish to vase. Image Marie Vonow
When dry, glue the vase to the plate.
The plate ensures the bird bath doesn’t topple over when a bird lands on it.
Image Marie Vonow
When the glue has dried put your creation in the garden and fill with water. The local birds will appreciate a place to have a drink and a splash, especially in the hotter weather.
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