Homemade Cupcake Wrappers
Cute cupcake wrappers are a great way to brighten up home baking. You can buy them ready-made, or why not try making them yourself? All you need is some brightly coloured paper. You could match it to a theme for a party.
Strong paper or light card
Cupcake wrapper template
Craft knife
You can download a wrapper template and print it off. If you're making baby cupcakes, or large muffins, then you can enlarge or reduce the template if you have access to a photocopier.
Cut out the template, using a craft knife to make the small slit.
Draw round the template with pencil onto your chosen paper.
Carefully cut out the template, and then use a craft knife to cut the small slit.
Make as many as you need to wrap your baking.
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