Gift Wrap Rosettes

Gift Wrap Rosettes

Posted 2014-12-31 by Lindsay Lawfollow
The beauty of these rosettes is that they can be any size or design you like, so you can incorporate them easily into any Christmas theme.

  • Christmas gift wrap
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Florist's wire
  • Glue
  • Paperclips
  • String
  • Large needle

  • Method
  • Using leftover wrapping paper, select a piece that is about 10 x 34cm for a large wreath, or about 5.5 x 17 cm for a smaller wreath.

  • Lay the paper out in front of you and concertina fold from one end to the other. On a large piece, the folds should be about 2cm strips, and about 1cm on a smaller piece. To do a concertina fold: fold the paper once, turn it over, fold again and then repeat all the way along to the end.

  • Once you are finished, fold the pleated strip in half and press together firmly.
  • Using florist's wire, secure the centre with a length of the wire, wound round and then twisted to keep secure.

  • Open out the strip and glue down one half of one side.

  • Fan out the rosette and stick the unglued edge to the glued one.

  • Repeat on the other side to make a complete circle.

  • Secure with paper clips or pegs while the glue dries.
  • Now you can either stick this up as a wreath, or make some more and make a garland.

  • Thread a needle with thick wool thread or string and then thread through the rosettes.

  • Hang the garland up.

  • Categories

    256702 - 2023-07-20 00:40:40


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