Fairy Bunting

Fairy Bunting

Posted 2014-04-12 by smitafollow
This is a simple fairy bunting to decorate your doll's room.

Fairy bunting to decorate your girls room

Time: 45 to 60 minutes
Age:5-10's, Any age
Level: Medium

  • White paper
  • Coloured Crayons
  • Black and red markers
  • String

  • Method
  • Make a stencil for the fairy. Use a circle like bottle lid to make the face cut-out. Make a parallelogram shape cut-out for the body and dress. Draw a small wing shape and cut a pair for each fairy.

  • cutouts

  • Cut out for the number of pieces you want in the bunting. Assemble and stick them together.

  • Let the kids help for colouring the fairy's dress or you can do it yourself. Be innovative with different shapes, designs and colours.

  • Use the marker pens to draw hair, eyes, lips and lips. I have made different hair-dos for each fairy.

  • Now with the point of a pencil, pierce 2 holes, little apart in the hair area of each fairy. Pass a string through each, leaving adequate on sides to tie.

  • Your fairy bunting is ready. Use it to decorate your daughter's room, bed or doll-house.

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    256612 - 2023-07-20 00:36:12


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